Ways to Give
As a tuition-free institution, the Bishop Walker School is funded through the generosity of the philanthropic community. We receive our funding from individuals, parishes, foundations, and corporations. There are numerous ways to support the school's mission, from making a financial gift to volunteering as a Lunch Buddy. Every gift is appreciated and every gift counts.
This fund supports all that we do at BWS. It covers operating costs while allowing us to meet unexpected expenses. It is essential to the well-being of our school and we equally appreciate gifts of all sizes and accept them year-round.

Matching gifts from your employer can double or triple the size of your gift! Contact your Human Resources department to see if your contribution to the Bishop Walker School qualifies for a matching gift.

How to Give
Give Online
By Mail
Bishop John T. Walker School for Boys
Development Office
1801 Mississippi Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20020
Please make checks payable to:
Bishop Walker School
Contact Us

Stephen Crochet
Director of Development
Make an Online Gift Today!
Making a gift online is fast, easy, and secure. If you have questions or need help with this form, please email Director of Development, Stephen Crochet, at scrochet@bishopwalkerschool.org or call 202-591-3074.
For Tribute Gifts please select an amount, check the tribute box below, and enter the name in honor or memory of.